Top streamer of the decade

SoundExchange has been tracking digital streams for just over 10 years. Now they have  announced the top steaming artist for the period since they began counting in 2003. Who do you think had the most streams of any artist during that ten year period. Here’s a hint: “The King.” Yep, Elvis Presley topped all other artists in total streams for that ten year period. He’s been deceased for over 36 years! Here’s the top ten list:

  1. Elvis Presley
  2. Bruce Springsteen
  3. Pearl Jam
  4. Rihanna
  5. Drake
  6. Usher
  7. Lil Wayne
  8. The Beatles
  9. Taylor Swift
  10. Grateful Dead

Go to, news and media, press releases to check out the top streaming artist for each individual year during that period. Only one of the artists on the top ten list above was the top streaming artist in any individual year. Who do you think that was?

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